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Chelsey Palmer
Tue, Aug 11, 2020 5:04 PM

Hello, fellow LiveLifer. It is good of you to join me today as I ramble and prattle on a bit. As LiveLife(IRL) has officially launched *gulp* I figured that it would be best to tell you a little bit about how the company came to be and what we hope to see in its future.

First things first, my name is Chelsey Palmer, and I am one of two creators of LiveLife(IRL), the other of course being my super handsome and utterly charming husband, Michael. We were married in 2014 and now own a little cape cod house in a relatively quiet neighborhood with our pup, Iowa. We enjoy visiting National Parks, camping, and getting into absolutely ridiculous adventures together.

The idea for an online game that allowed its users to learn real life skills came to us somewhere around 2015. Shortly after tossing around the idea, we came up with the name, LiveLife(IRL). This, of course, simply means to live life in real life. Essentially, we suggest that you remove yourself from technology and jump back into the real world. Now, before you say it, we know how absurd it sounds to have a game based online while simultaneously asking people to step away from technology. Alas, we are not asking people to give it up completely, we are simply encouraging our users to use it for a different purpose. We have the world at our fingertips, filled with vast amounts of information and we spend much of our time scrolling social media posts and thumbing through mindless celebrity gossip. Now, I am not here to lecture, I get it. I too find myself spending far too much time scrolling through my newsfeed with nothing intellectually gained from the experience. Which is why I am so passionate about surrounding myself with a community of people who, like me, are looking to increase their self-sufficiency and skill sets.

We know that there is still work to be done to create the best, most optimal, experience; however, we wanted to get our project into the world and build it around the needs of our users (that’s where you come in). We want to hear from you! Let us know what you want to see and what we are doing right. Also, we ask that you are patient. As of right now it remains the two of us creating the content, while Mike works full time and I am in my final year of nursing school as a full-time student.

I look forward to what the future holds for LiveLife(IRL) as well as the amazing community that I hope to build around it. Don’t be a stranger and remember to take the time to power down to live it up.


Last edited Tue, Aug 11, 2020 5:04 PM